Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Two (Count 'Em) Two More Spaces Left

As I'd missed the majority of their dates supporting The Gallows due to illness, I went with my friends 33 all the way to Bridgewater to catch them on their last show.  Ben was in the crowd and had his front teeth chipped by a mic-grabbing hardcore kid (who didn't know the words anyway).  Afterwards Chris, Ben and myself (all three well over 6foot and with a combined weight in the region of over 50stone) squeezed into a tiny three door car for a scary drive through freezing fog back to Wales.

I found these terrific postcards somewhere in Mid Wales a few years ago.  Sorry for the blurry photos (Jeez, I sound like a complaining tattooer).

There is a Welsh Club tucked away in Neasden, North West London which has a particularly unique and interesting hand painted take on the Welsh flag.