I read today that cats can interpret people's mood and feelings. Why then doesn't Pip Squeek, who is currently sitting on my lap, realise that I'm struggling to come up with cat story number 4? Okay, I admit it. I thought it was going to be easy to write seven stories about cats. But, in all honestly, I kinda run out of material after 'Tommy' and 'Lenny and Dylan'.
Pip Squeek can perhaps be forgiven as she is currently in the throws of a crisis of her own: She is on heat. And hugely so. This is the second bout in as many weeks. She has not be spayed, you see, and therefore is forbidden to go outside. And outside is where sweet relief lies. Sweet relief in the form of tomcats. At the moment all she can do is a funny walk and coo like a pigeon. Oh, that and rub up against everything she can. It's frustration in the most intense form I have ever witnessed. It'll be over in a few more days and she will be back to her old self.
Although still considered a kitten, at 8 months old, her present day personality is not going to change much as she gets older. What I mean by this is that she will remain essentially kitten-like and youthful for the rest of her life. you can just tell. She'll play, run around chasing screwed up balls of paper, play fight, explore and search out new places. Many cats, as do people, grow up too quickly, become too serious about life before their time. I guess youth has nothing to do with the number of years you have been on the planet. It is to do with state of mind and attitude. A desire to try new things, meet new people, keeping things moving and keeping flexible. One dictionary definition of youth is 'the period of life between childhood and maturity'. I disagree with this. On occasion, you will come across someone who's age is not a barrier to experiencing life, not an obstacle to opportunities. I guess perfect harmony between youth and wisdom is a joyous and tranquil time of life, where roots and stability coexist in harmony with, so called youthful attributes, like a versatile and fun approach and a fascination with life. Cats take life a day at a time, live moment to moment, just go with it. They live a very Zen existance. Without even trying. without even knowing it. they have the freedom to do what they want. Having said all that I'm sure there are cats out there who will get old before their time. In fact, I know there is. I've met a few. A small number of bitter slumbering down and out, 'life owes me something' pusspuss's.
Pip squeek, however, is not one of those cats. She'll be climbing the curtains as long as she can. She'll be pawing at running water from the edge of the bath. She'll be attacking socked feet. No matter how old she gets, I know she'll be doing all of these things.