Friday, 31 December 2010

For Ourselves

It was wet and cold but one hell of a fucking enjoyable ride.

A few days ago a small group of us ventured out into the mountains.  We climbed and climbed and climbed some more.  I, being 6'6 and 15 stone, know by now that I'm not a naturally strong climber, and our ride confirmed this.  I've done dozens of rides of 50+ miles and this was one of the hardest yet.

Infact, descending a four mile, unfamiliar wet mountain road on a brakeless track bike with a stupidly spinny gear was another (pretty terrifying) highlight.  As was the cramp that I experienced in my left quad muscle.  At one point, still 15miles from home, I got out of my saddle to climb up a short steep rise, straightened my left leg, only to find it would not bend again.  I was almost thrown off my bike and only the weight of my body, pushing down on it, forced it to bend again.  For the rest of the way home I had to jam my thumb into the muscle.

But, as I said, one hell of an enjoyable ride.

Photos: Sion & Jono.