I visited Canberra once during 'bird season'. A friend who lived there told me of the magpie's that would swoop at humans or dogs who they thought had come too near to their nests. A child had once suffered a terrible injury after a bird had swooped for his head and it's beak snapped leaving it in the child's skull.
To solve the problem some clever spark worked out that the birds were less likely to swoop if they were being watched. So, on their way to school, the children of the city wear hats with eyes attached to the top so the magpie's get tricked into thinking they are being watched.
Whilst there, thankfully I was never a target, despite my height. I only got to see the other two things Canberra is famous for: Fireworks and huge porn shops. Fireworks are legal in Canberra and for some reason, perhaps as the city's population is made up entirely of frustrated Civil Servants and I.T Consultants, they have, what I can only really describe as porn warehouses. Imagine a space the size of say Comet and you get the idea.